Are we aware of the fact that hearing is not the same with listening?
“What I hear is a very subjective experience. I see this every day, and I discover how it becomes just mine. I often choose when to “close” my ears and when to open them. But do I, the one who lives in a hectic city, full of cars and tonic people, radios that emit rhythmic music and buildings that sound strange in the wind, I still have the power to really hear the wind through the leaves of the trees… the insistent noise of an insect… the fine flapping of the wings of a future? “
“The study of sound opened up unexpected possibilities for me to explore. From the perception of external sounds of different qualities to internal vibrations in different parts of me. And the relationship between them. And between the two, something more real that can perceive them. How can I return to this place more often?”

How does our voyage begin?
First step was to become familiar with elements of musical theory - scale, musical keys, tone, semitone, types of intervals, from the prime to the octave.
For a better understanding we sang together and we also listened to different musical pieces which could explain some theoretical notions.
“I had the opportunity to perceive classical music differently, through the invitation to recognize the third, musical interval. To be careful and to distinguish between rhythms and tonalities.
Since then, this experience has determined me to be careful that when listening to instrumental or vocal music to notice component elements and not to be carried away by the musicality and emotion of the performances.”
“When I found out that I am part of this study group, it was truly a big joy for me. The sound and the music belong to myself and to what surroundings me. During these meetings I felt free to try, to experience, to sense each musical note in my tensed palate, and vibrations into my body. I had rediscovered the key of G, as a beginning of everything, I had discovered the perfection of the octave; the key of Fa amazed me, in the opposite direction of the other key, giving me a hint of a hidden world close to me…”
“For me, music is an inner realm where I am eager to explore. During our meetings we didn’t only listen but sang and studied too. I began to appreciate more the mystery of the sound and its power of healing.
Going deeper into details, helped me to awake my interest for a better understanding.
The harmony we feel becomes a chance for a better connection between us, and the music means a kind of food for all of us.”
The world of sound means not only the music but also the human language as well as those of nature, inviting us to reveal it.
Thereby we had poetry sessions where we experienced different ways to read and recite poems. We brought together the understanding and emotions, reaching the sense of poetry presence in all we see and listen around us.
“There were a lot of interesting moments, I found among the most vivid in the memory when each of us read the same poem. For me it was something special and I always kept in my mind the desire to repeat the experience.”
“When I receive an invitation to join a poetry meeting together with the topic,it makes me feel more alive. Searching and choosing some poems from this rich world brings me more presence and I become more carefully, when we gather to read it, my joy is even greater. Each of us offers something precious when reading the selected poems. I try to feel and to share with others the moment, smiling, laughing, crying…feeling the emotion. Every cell of mine is somehow reasonating with the state of others when they are reading or reciting and this is happening because of our togetherness.”
“What I hear is a totally subjective experience. I see this every day, and I discover how it becomes just mine. I often choose when to "close" my ears and when to "open" them. But do I, the one who lives in a hectic city, full of cars and tonic people, radios that emit rhythmic music and buildings that sound strange in the wind, I still have the power to really hear the wind through the leaves of the trees. the insistent noise of an insect… the fine flapping of the wings of a future? “